I am thankful for who I am, for what God has made me become. I believe that He knows I am strong that He made me as someone whose emotions would be put to test in more ways than what this society call the “norm” gets.
I am thankful for the family He has given me, most especially for my mom who never questions what I am. She knew it from the start and has always been my strength. She may not have encouraged me to be (more of) what I am, but she has never criticized what I’ve become.
I am thankful for the few true friends that I have. I’d never trade them for a million friends who would only be there for the good times. True friends are the ones who are happy for you when you’re at the top, but will be the firsts to catch you when you fall, even without asking them to.
I am thankful for the bullies in school, the bullies in my neighborhood, and the bullies I bump into when I go out. These people made me a stronger person through the years and continue to make me stronger as they continue to bully me.
I am thankful that God made me gay in a society that condemns same-sex relationships. Not that I am against same-sex marriage; not that I don’t want to have a boyfriend without getting condemning stares from people around. But I am thankful in a way that I will never marry and will be able to live with my mom and take care of her until she grows older and needs someone to take care of her. There’s no nicer way to give back for the unconditional love she has given me, and continue to give me, up until now.
I believe that there’s always something to be thankful for in everything that’s happening in our lives. I believe that God loves all of us so much that He will never let anything happen to us without a reason.
We just have to dig in and find light in every situation, no matter how “bad” they may seem.
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