Friday, July 2, 2010


For so long, I’ve been wanting to travel around the country. I used to tell myself that one day, I would be proud to say that I have already traveled every single corner of the Philippines.

As time went by (read: as I get older), I realized that the main problem for that long-time dream was actually money. You have to have money to be able to go to such key destinations as Boracay and Palawan.

Second, there was that problem of who I would travel with. It would really be lonely and scary to travel alone. For so long, I was looking for someone who could be a travel buddy.

The Bestfriend actually used to be my movie buddy until he got married and he was replaced by JP and then just lately, CJ.

Actually, The Bestfriend didn’t wanna go with me to Laoag last March (read about it here), and he was the reason why my Pyromusical tickets just went to waste (you can read that one here).

So I guess I shouldn’t even include The Bestfriend in the list of prospective travel buddies.

Anyway, one lazy evening, I came across this travel blog by a woman who travels with, guess who, herself! Yes she travels alone!

I immediately got inspired, of course. If a girl could do it, why couldn’t I?

So I browsed her travel blog and looked for the nearest destination. I wanted to start near, of course, and I wanted her say about the place. If the place was safe for a girl travelling alone, then it would be safe for me, too.

I chose Kwebang Lagpas in Pagbilao, Quezon. Her travel to that place was in full account in her blog. She even included the fare prices and resort entrance and cottage rentals. Now how cool is that?

I don’t have a backpack, though. If I would go backpacking to that place which I’ve never once been into, I couldn’t bring a man tote or a messenger bag which are the only bags I currently own. I want to buy a rucksack. Yes, that’s how serious I am about this thing. I realized, too, that it’s just cheap to backpack if you knew the ways of backpacking. Okay, you can never haggle with bus fares or airfares, but there’s always a way to cut the costs of accommodation and food.

Last Monday, The Bestfriend and I were chatting over YM. I was asking about rucksacks until I felt the need to ask him to go with me to Pagbilao. He’s still my bestfriend to date and I really enjoy his company. I am perhaps still hoping that the excitement and the bond we shared when we camped at their mountain in Batangas some nine years ago will happen again. Deep inside, though, I told myself not to count on it too much would he decide to go with me.

I wasn’t expecting it but he said yes. He’d go with me on Sunday. I originally planned to go Saturday but since Sunday and Monday are his days off for July, I moved it to Sunday. The girl solo traveler also goes out Sundays so why the heck not.

The thing that happened with the pyromusical competition wouldn’t happen again, though. I promise myself that. His company would only add to the fun I will be having, but his absence – should he decide not to come anymore – would make the trip just fine, if not more exciting.


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