Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday I'm In Love

You can't really choose the person to fall in love with. Because if I could, I wouldn't really choose my best friend as the object of my affection.

We've known each other for 11 years now. I don't wanna say that our friendship was on and off, but there were those times that we wouldn't see each other for months, one time for more than a year, but it would seem like nothing has changed when we connect again.

He's married now, and we have been talking a lot lately because he needs a friend. He's having difficult times at home due to a rift between his mother and his wife.

I am the only one he trusts on such personal matters. And I regret the fact that I wasn't present in his life during the first time he almost separated with his wife.

I learned about it just recently, that the only thing that saved their marriage during that first time was when their first born got critical with a lung problem.

I could just imagine how hard it was for him without anyone to confide into. I was actually only a call away, but he chose not to call me. Perhaps due to pride. It was during the longest time we were not having any communication. So I guess he was afraid I'd think he only calls when he needs me. But of course it would never be a case.

We started reconnecting again when the group of friends that we belong to had to visit a newly-wed friend in the far north. All of us agreed to meet at my house, and he was the second to arrive. As expected, it was like nothing had changed. We even walked out with his arm over my shoulder.

Then after that, he would give me a buzz in YM while he's in the office and we would chat. He'd call on the phone when he's not so busy. He'd drop by the house and hang out if he has time.

And I'm quite afraid it will all go away again, and we will lose communication just like what has been the routine.

So now I'm making the most of what we have.

Even if he doesn't know that I'm in love all over again.

The title is a song from The Cure.


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