Sunday, December 23, 2012


I've been frequenting Mt. Maculot as of late, and before riding the jeepney to Cuenca, I always grab something to eat around the Lipa bus stop. I used to always eat at Jollibee until something happened. During my last visit, though, I saw this cute, young cashier:

But then I didn't get to see him anymore due to the incident that made me hate Jollibee in Uptown Lipa - I found a short curly hair in my macaroni soup. Yes, yuck!

So the next time I ate at Lipa, I chose McDonald's even if it was a little farther than Jollibee from where the bus actually drops passengers off.

And look what cuteness was sitting in front of me:

And look at the girl behind him! LoL! I wanted to photograph him with the DSLR but that would be so obvious.

*Sigh* I think I'm travelling to Lipa more often.


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